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McLeod Campbell’s classic work on the atonement with a new introduction by J.B. Torrance

A theology of the atonement should move one to worship and prayer. J. McLeod Campbell does exactly that. Much in harmony with the renewed interest in the Trinity, McLeod Campbell reawakens the doctrine of the atonement, the ‘sleeping giant’ of Christian doctrine, with its rich implications for spirituality and ministry . . . The church today needs a new biblical paradigm of the atonement as is found in The Nature of the Atonement, which sees the atonement as the development of the incarnation of God and therefore as the manifestation of God as love.’ – from Christian D. Kettler, Friends University

P.T. Forsyth praised this as a ‘great, fine, holy book’ – written by the man who was deposed from the ministry because of heresy by the General Assembly of his time, but now regarded as one of Scotland’s greatest theologians.

“He made it his concern to summon them to look away from themselves – to the love of God, that they might know him as Father . . .”   from the Introduction by James B. Torrance

ISBN: 978-1-871828-07-8
Year Published: